Illuminatio 2023-01-08T09:46:42+00:00 Executive Editor Open Journal Systems <p>Illuminatio/Svjetionik/Almanar is a double blind peer-reviewed scientific journal for the promotion of novel ideas on religion, morality, art, nation, society and state, as well as of tradition (taṣdīq), and new approaches to thought society and state (tajdīd). Illuminatio/Svjetionik/Almanar invites the ulama, scholars, philosophers and other authors in the area of social studies and humanities to shed new light on critical issues and the difficult challenges of contemporary reflection on religion, philosophy, ethics, history, arts, statehood, social studies and humanities in the context of historical and contemporary Bosnian, regional and global events. It will publish papers which are based both on the sources of Divine Revelation and on the personal understanding and experience of God, man and the world. The journal is also open to publishing translations of significant writings and book reviews.</p> Qadar/ṣināʿat – a prodSuct of the classical-traditional attitude toward the Qur'an, Sunnah and Hadith 2022-11-03T07:38:34+00:00 Mehmed A. Akšamija <p>The intention of this analysis is to continue the discussion (from the previous issuees) of some parts of the history of what is declared or titled „Islamic art”, within the critical and theoretical framework of both Occidental Western and (some) Muslim perspectives. The analysis and establishments of limits in line with the prevailing authorities will contribute to the vital modalities of qadar/ṣināʿat discourse which are resolutely Islamic and in line with their source (ar. al-marjaʿ or al-maṣdar). Particular attention is drawn to advocating differences, due to Occidental-westernized academic efforts to ignore the spirit of unity and the self-reflective Islamic constants of qadar/ṣināʿat discourses and impose the artificial dichotomy of the sacral and profane, and due to paradigmatic views on the evaluation of the aestheticized achievement of the originator/designer of representation, (i.e. homo islamicus) as absolute western ownership.<br>Finally, it should be noted that the Occidental-westernized manner of academic thinking in this area, and of any other theories applied within the borders of index order and taxonomy, including the concept of current globalization, also represent systematic patterns of authority, control and evaluation, and thus exclusion of others.</p> <p>However, such a form of imposing a linear or cyclic way of interpretation still faces very real challenges typical of writing a global “history of art” and the complete absence of understanding other and different forms of creative expression.</p> 2023-01-08T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2022 Illuminatio Jews, Christians, and Muslims - Interfaith in an Age of Political Extremism and Religious Fundamentalism 2022-11-06T09:20:53+00:00 Mustafa Cerić <p>This article is focused on the interplay of natural faith (al-īmān), formal or artificial religion (al-dīn), and the art of politics (fannu-l-siyāsah) in Islam. Trust in God is primordial faith (al-īmān), which is shared by all human beings in the conception of their creation by God who breathes His soul (al-rūḥ) into each and every human being as a potential trust in Him. Thus, trust in God is the matter (hyle) of faith. The faith is not yet the form (al-ṣūrah or al-shakl). The form of the matter of faith becomes religion (al-dīn), after it has been shaped by the art of theologians as an artificial theology, which is not necessarily wholly compatible with the primordial matter (hyle) of faith, but it cannot be said that the form (al-ṣūrah or al-shakl) of religion (al-dīn), as an formal or artificial theology, is totally void of the matter or substance of the natural faith (al-īmān). The art of politics (fannu-l-siyāsah) is an interplay between the natural faith (al-īmān) as a trust in God and the religion (al-dīn) as an formal or instructive&nbsp; theology, which is, on the other hand, the play of continuity and change in history. In this process of continuity and change many forces in Islamic history have been at play and many crises have arisen. This article will try to identify these forces with a focus on the phenomenon of historical and contemporary deviational “extremism” in the world of Islam.</p> 2023-01-08T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2022 Illuminatio Traces of legal naturalism in the language method of interpreting sharīʿa law by Zaynuddīn bin Ibrāhīm ibn Nujaym 2022-11-06T09:35:58+00:00 Husejn Kavazović <p>Zaynuddīn bin Ibrāhīm, known as Ibn Nujaym (1520-1563) is one of the most prolific authors of the Hanafi Madhhab from the period of the early Ottoman rule. In his time, he was one of the lecturers at the famous Al-Azhar. He became famous for his work Al-Ashbāh wa an-Nẓāir in the area of legal (fiqh) rules, in which, on a theoretical level, he demonstrated the importance and role of legal rules in the understanding and interpretation of law, according to the Hanafi legal doctrine. He is the author of a large commentary entitled Al-Baḥr ar-Rāiq on the work Kanz ad-Daqāiq by ̔Abdullah Ḥāfiẓuddīn an-Nasafī (1240-1310), in which he expounded his understanding of the classical Hanafi doctrine of Sharia law. Unfortunately, he did not manage to finish the work, because he was overtaken by an early death. A significant part of his opus is the study of Sharia law methodology. He presented his views in this area in the work Mishkāt al-Anwār fī Uṣūl al-Manār, known as Fatḥ al-Ghaffār bi Sharḥ al-Manār. It was created as a commentary on the work of&nbsp; ̔Abdullah Ḥāfiẓuddin an-Nasafī Al-Manār. The main assumptions on which the theory of legal interpretation in Ibn Nujaym rests are his views that the interpretation of law is a way of determining the meaning of a legal norm. A legal norm can be interpreted in several ways at the same time. Such an approach gives the lawyer the opportunity to opt for one of the possible interpretations that he considers to be the most expedient at that moment. Ibn Nujaym believes that a legal norm, which refers to some legal work, can be interpreted using several legal methods available to the lawyer. The most common methods used by lawyers are: linguistic, logical, natural-legal or value-based and teleological or objective method. In this paper, we will look at Ibn Nujaym's understanding of the natural-law or value-based method of interpreting law.</p> 2023-01-08T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2022 Illuminatio Al-Jāhiliyyah and anti-intellectualism of the modern world 2022-11-06T09:52:55+00:00 Muhamed Jusic Mersiha Jusić <p>The authors analyze the question of the relationship to the concept of anti-intellectualism in contemporary societies, searching for its connection with the traditional concept of al-jāhiliyyah within the Muslim tradition. It especially focuses on the manifestations and possible causes of contemporary al-jāhiliyyah and the peculiarities, but also the consequences, of the relationship of postmodern societies, both in the West and in majority Muslim countries, towards scholarship and the imperceptible rise of general anti-intellectualism.</p> 2023-01-08T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2022 Illuminatio Water and man: „Good Waters“ near Foča 2022-11-06T10:13:50+00:00 Ahmet Hadrovic <p>The 'Dobre vode' ('Good Waters') complex is located in the municipality of Foca (Geographical coordinates: 43º35'12.91''N, 18º39'34.56''E, elevation: 1043). It is about 13 km from Foca, about 28 km from Gorazde, and about 40 km from Sarajevo (by air). The nearest villages to this locality are Kolun and Zarudine.</p> <p>The theme 'Water' is present in a large capacity in the daily life of people in Bosnia and Herzegovina. Its meaning in the 'philosophical-religious sense' is particularly specific, where it has a sacred-symbolic meaning, as the 'source of life'. In this paper, one geographical area is presented - 'Place of outdoor prayer Dobre Vode' ('Doviste Dobre Vode'), with the status of 'sacred place'.</p> <p>The aim of this paper is to promote the meaning and role of water in people's daily lives, but also as a fundamental resource for life on planet Earth.</p> <p>The topics are elaborated according to the scientific methodology that is covered in the author's book: Hadrovic, A. (2007). Defining Architectural Space on the Model of the Oriental Style CityHouse in Bosnia and Herzegovina, Serbia, Montenegro, Kosovo and Macedonia, Booksurge, LLC, North Charleston, SC, USA.</p> 2023-01-08T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2022 Illuminatio There will be no peace for Israel without freedom for the Palestinians – and there will be no freedom for the Palestinians without peace for Israel 2022-11-06T10:24:16+00:00 Stefan Jakob Wimmer <p>While Sarajevo, known as the European Jerusalem, is still coping with the unresolved consequences of war 25 years ago, conflict keeps on raging in Jerusalem of the Holy Land, Al-Quds in Arabic. The recent escalation ignited at the end of Ramadan at Al-Aqsa Mosque. The author is intimately acquainted with the situation in Palestine/Israel on both sides. Instead of wishful thinking and ideological phantasies, he tunes the picture down to the realities of the conflict. Even for those, who are not directly part of the conflict, but empathize with either side, the implications pose a challenge, as we might have to adjust our commitments: These should not run along the lines of ethnicities or religions. And that, in turn, may be true for other conflicts as well.</p> 2023-01-08T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2022 Illuminatio Bosnia and Herzegovina at crossroads - new political paradigm or agony of ethno-national exclusivity 2022-11-06T10:34:18+00:00 Ismet Fatih Cancar <p>European collective security has been fundamentally shaken by the Russian invasion of Ukraine. In this context, Bosnia and Herzegovina is recognized as one of the most vulnerable points of the European security framework. This paper analyses the position of BiH in the wider context of regional Balkan security. Referring to the history of BiH in the 20th century and its relations with its neighbours, the analysis dives into the most important issues of security and stability of BiH in the struggle with two “Greater-state” projects: "Greater Serbia", today known as Srpski svet, and "Greater Croatia", indirectly, through the formation of the third Croat entity on the territory of BiH. The paper also analyses the geopolitical context of current events in Europe to explain how Russia's role fits into the background of BiH's Euro-Atlantic integration. This role is demonstrated through constant support to various Serb and Croat actors who are working to destabilize the political and territorial integrity of BiH. As such, the paper offers a new political paradigm as an alternative to the ethno-national exclusivity on which the Dayton Peace Agreement is based. The new political paradigm in BiH entails the formation of expanded capacities of the state that would make it self-sustainable and capable of independently fulfilling all its international obligations.</p> 2023-01-08T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2022 Illuminatio To pure faith in the ways of freedom and common sense 2022-11-06T10:36:42+00:00 Ahmet Alibašić 2023-01-08T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2022 Illuminatio Editorial 2023-01-08T09:00:18+00:00 Svjetionik Svjetionik 2023-01-08T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Illuminatio